

Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2024


为了达到研究生的目标,在一个较小的, faith-based campus, 该学院最近增加了高等教育的专上学位.

Outside of large, public universities, 乔治亚州私立大学的高等教育硕士课程选择有限.

“我们觉得有必要在LC实施这个学位,”博士说. 约翰·海德,负责招生和学生体验的副校长. “Besides Mercer University, 我们是唯一的其他私立机构,学生可以在高等教育中获得研究生学位.”


他说:“这将使我们的学员接触到大学校园的商业一面。. “他们不仅要学习学生发展理论, but also fiscal 和 legal issues in higher education. 作为一个卫理公会的机构,我们也将注重信仰的发展.”


“他们将通过住房或津贴获得补偿,”他说. “这个项目的每个学生都将被安排到适合他们兴趣的部门, so they’re earning funds for the work they do, while also gaining career-focused skills.”

参加该项目的学员将为在住房等领域担任各种角色做好准备, Student Life, 招生, Career 服务s 和 体育运动.

Dr. Gretta Milam,教育主席和研究生研究主任,将监督这个项目. Current faculty 和 administrators will teach courses, with the aim of adding more full-time faculty in the future.

在校生将有机会在周三的信息会上了解更多关于这个硕士学位的信息, 4月3日, 下午4点.m., in Corn Auditorium.

该项目已接受申请,计划于2024年夏季或秋季开始. These can be found on the program 网站.


Campus Notes

  • Nominations are being taken for alumni awards to be presented during 首页coming 2024, Oct. 25-27. Deadline for submissions is April 1. “沙克尔福德校友成就奖”是颁发给那些在专业上有所建树并为学院带来荣誉的校友. The award is named for Walter Malcolm Shackelford, 曾任教育学教授(1958-1972)及学院教务长(1972-1982)。. “杰出青年校友奖”颁发给过去10年内从菲律宾博彩集团排名毕业的人,这些人在他或她的职业生涯和社区中表现杰出,并为学院带来了荣誉. For more information or to make a recommendation, contact Martha Pirkle, Director of Alumni 和 Community Relations, at or by calling 706-880-8245.体育运动 host Pouncies
  • LC 体育运动 will host the Pouncie Awards, 学生运动员的正式庆祝活动贯穿2023-2024赛季, on Wednesday, 4月3日, 下午6点.m., in Callaway Auditorium. This year’s theme will be “Kicks 和 Glam.与会者被鼓励穿着他们最喜欢的鞋子和服装.
  • Prospective students 和 their families will visit campus for Spring Preview Day on Saturday, April 13. This is the final one for the academic year. For more information, visit the Preview Day 网站.
  • The deadline to submit nominations for the Pillar 和 Waights G. 亨利 awards is Tuesday, 4月2日, at 5 p.m. 表格可以亲自送到史密斯大厅,办公室210,或通过电子邮件提交给博士. John Head,负责招生管理和学生体验的副校长,


Collegiate Enrichment

LIVE @ LC: Beyond Servant Leadership

Tuesday, 4月2日

11 a.m., Bailey Room

  • Associate 体育 Management Professor Dr. 克莱·博尔顿(Clay Bolton)将主持一场会议,让参与者参与练习和讨论,为什么首先要照顾好自己是很重要的. 对服务他人如何带来喜乐的更深刻理解,将在这篇超越仆人式领导的深入探讨中揭示出来.

Create an Impact: LC M.Ed. in Higher Education

Wednesday, 4月3日

4 p.m., Corn Auditorium

  • Students interested in a career in academic support, 训练, 学校鼓励学生参加学院新开设的高等教育硕士学位介绍会.

LIVE @ LC: Making My Dollars Matter

Thursday, 4月4日

11 a.m., Bailey Room

  • 安迪这些年, Director of Development, 将分享学生可以使用的步骤,以帮助创建和维持一个可行的计划,使他们能够支持对他们一生重要的事业. 


Video of the Week

"God of Grace 和 God of Glory"

“恩典之神和荣耀之神”由Simmerly Hern和ez '21提出, Carter White '21, Olivia White '22 和 Kelton Hunt '19. Produced by Jason Hern和ez ’19.


April Faculty 和 Staff Birthdays

3-Justin Muller, Clinical Mental Health Counseling

3-Jessica Finley, Business Office

9-Drew Cantrell, 体育运动 (Men’s 和 Women’s Tennis)

10-Richard Soash, History

14-Lisa Cornell, President’s Office

17-Nicole Maddox, 招生

19-Samantha Sick, Accountancy

20-David Wiggins, Lewis 图书馆

21-S和y Blair, Nursing

22-Lacey Moore, Sociology

24-Ryan Dickson, 体育运动 (Men’s Soccer)




Team plays Birmingham Southern

The Panthers finished the past weekend up 3-0 in the CCS after sweeping Berea College March 23-24. On Wednesday, the Panthers rematched Birmingham-Southern 和 lost 5-8. 球队将于三月二十九日(星期五)下午三时在圣约球场展开三场系列赛.m. 他们将于3月30日(星期六)中午和下午3:30进行两场比赛.m. LC将于4月2日星期二下午6点在奥格尔索普进行另一场客场比赛.m.

Student athletes earn conference honors

大一新生弗莱彻·希斯洛普和大二学生杰克逊·麦克尔维入选 Rookie of the WeekPlayer of the Week, respectively. 在过去的5场比赛中,希斯洛普得到了3分、7支安打和7分打点. 麦克尔维在过去一周得到8分,7支安打,2支安打和5个盗垒.


Team competes against MUW

LC split its away doubleheader against Mississippi University for Women on Sunday, March 24. 黑豹队在第一场比赛中以9比3获胜,但在第二场比赛中以8比3落后.

Thursday, March 28: LaGrange at Belhaven, 6 p.m. 8p.m. (late), visit for score 和 recap.


Team plays at Jekyll Isl和

The Panthers competed in the Jekyll Isl和 Collegiate Invitational 3月22 - 24. LC在30支队伍中排名第23位,大一新生Ian Bramlett领跑. 在3轮比赛中,布拉姆莱特打出225杆,在148名选手中排名第60位. 该队将于4月1日至2日参加温湖邀请赛.

Player earns rookie award

Freshman Ian Bramlett was named Rookie of the Week. He led the Panthers with the best finish, 在杰基尔岛大学邀请赛上并列第60名. 布拉姆莱特总共生产了225发子弹,分别是79、74和72发.


Team plays 亨廷顿

信用证遗失于 Methodist University 16-10 on Friday, March 22. The team faced off against 亨廷顿 on Wednesday 和 won 22-9.

Women’s Tennis

Team plays Covenant

The Panthers are coming off away losses 将于3月23日至24日前往圣约学院、阿斯伯里大学和约翰逊大学. 该队将于4月1日星期一下午4点迎战皮埃蒙特大学.m. The Panthers will host Tuskegee University on Tuesday, 4月2日, 和 Shorter University on Thursday, 4月4日, both at 2 p.m.

Men’s Tennis

Team competes against Asbury

LC跌至 Covenant College, Asbury University 和 Johnson University last weekend. 该队将于4月1日星期一下午4点迎战皮埃蒙特大学.m. The Panthers will host Tuskegee University next Tuesday, 4月2日, 和 Shorter University on Thursday, 4月4日, both at 2 p.m.

Beach Volleyball

Team to play 亨廷顿

The Panthers did not play this past week. 球队将在4月4日星期四主场迎战亨廷顿,这是他们常规赛的最后一场比赛.


Panther Calendar

(请注意,日程安排可能会因我们无法控制的情况而改变. Please check to confirm.)

Friday, March 29 – 棒球 at Covenant, 3 p.m., Lookout Mountain, Georgia

Saturday, March 30 – 棒球 at Covenant, noon 和 3:30 p.m., Lookout Mountain, Georgia

Monday, April 1 – 高尔夫球 at Wynlakes Invitational, Montgomery, Alabama

Monday, April 1 – Men’s Tennis at Piedmont, 4 p.m., Demorest, Georgia

Monday, April 1 – Women’s Tennis at Piedmont, 4 p.m., Demorest, Georgia

Tuesday, 4月2日 – 高尔夫球 at Wynlakes Invitational, Montgomery, Alabama

Tuesday, 4月2日 – 棒球 at Oglethorpe, 6 p.m., Atlanta, Georgia

Thursday, 4月4日 – Men’s Tennis (家里) vs. Shorter, 2 p.m., Greer Tennis Courts

Thursday, 4月4日 – Women’s Tennis (家里) vs. Shorter, 2 p.m., Greer Tennis Courts

Thursday, 4月4日 –Beach Volleyball (家里) vs. 亨廷顿, 1 p.m., Strack Beach Volleyball Courts

类别: 大学,学生,菲律宾博彩集团排名

Keywords: Education, Campus

Press Contact

Lindy Oller


* indicates required
Last updated: 04/03/2024
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